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Yaesu FL-110
Linear Amplifier


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Yaesu FL-110

The Yaesu FL-110 is a solid state linear amplifier that is designed to match the FT-301S and FT-7 transceivers. It operates on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter amateur bands. Drive power is 15 watts CW/SSB, 4 watts AM/RTTY. Maximum input power is 200 watts SSB/CW, 75 watts RTTY and 50 watts AM. The front panel has a DELAY switch to select FAST 0.1-0.2 seconds or SLOW 0.3-1.0 seconds to control carrier operated change over time. The rear panel has 50 ohm SO239 input and output jacks. This device requires 13.5 VDC at 17 Amps (100 watts 14 MHz). (120x100x200mm 2.5 kg).

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