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RIGblaster Nomic

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Sound Card Interfaces 





Nomic Specifications

Overall Dimensions (maximum, w/o cables) 1.5 H x 2.25 W x 3.25 D inches
Weight 4 oz.
Frequency response sound card input 100 Hz - 15 kHz, ± 1dB
Distortion sound card input Less than 0.1 % THD @ 1kHz
Input impedance (from sound card) 600 ohms resistive, minimum
Sound card level adjustment range -34 dB to > -120 dB
PTT compatibility
Transistor logic only, tube amps not supported.
Positive pull down .15 V min. @ 2 mA. max
Serial interface (DB9F connector) Standard RS232
RS232 Pin Assignments (DB9 PC signal set)
  • Pin 4 Data Terminal Ready (PTT control)
  • Pin 5 Signal Ground (isolated digital common)
  • Pin 7 Request To Send (PTT control)
The sound card audio is isolated from ground using an audio transformer. A high grade DC blocking capacitor on the sound card to mic. output is provided for use with radios that are designed for use with amplified or electret microphones. An opto-isolator provides fully isolated PTT control or CW keying.

Unlike RIGblaster M8 and RIGblaster Plus, which use relays for PTT keying, the Nomic's opto-isolator will not safely key an older tube rig.

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