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Kenwood AT-230
Antenna Tuner


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Kenwood AT-230

The Kenwood AT-230 antenna tuner covers the 9 amateur bands from 1.8 to 30 MHz. Through power is 200 watts maximum. It has power scales for 20 and 200 watts. Input is SO-239 [UHF]. Antenna Output 1 is SO-239 [UHF], Antenna Output 2 is SO-239 [UHF], Antenna Output 3 is wire connection and ground.

The AT-230 is compatible with the TS-530S series. Physical: 7.2 x 5.3 x 11.5 inches 7.5 lbs. (180x133x287mm 3.4 kg).

Copyright 2005-2018 Universal Radio, Inc.

#0000 __ D000/000 Q000/000 JP 07/18