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Bonito 1102S

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Radio Jet

The Bonito 1102S RadioJet shortwave receiver combines innovative design with the advantages of modern computer technology. It has a frequency range of 40 kHz to 30 MHz with an excellent sensitivity of .03 µVolts on a noise level of -137 dBm with an extreme resolution of 144 dB at a sampling of 24kHz. The Noise floor is extremely low, because there are no active parts between the antenna and the ADC.

Strictly speaking, this radio is not an SDR, although it is exclusively controlled by computer. So far, no SDR has defined, controlled, read or computed anything like the RadioJet. Bonito RadioJet is a short wave receiver with a built-in USB audio device and a 24kHz multi-channel IM jack or to put it simply: The most obvious application of modern radio technology.

The software has been designed in such a way that its size and its coloring can be custom-tailored to any screen. This can be achieved with the presets or user-defined. The center piece of this IF-receiver is the supplied software. It makes all the different applications possible. An IF-Input-Device is built into the RadioJet so that the radio is like an external USB-Audio recorder and an easy installation without a complicated driver is assured: simply plug and play.

The receiver comes with the standard software and the following features:
Reception and recording of transmissions in USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM and DRM. All filters are completely variable and can have their waviness and notches drawn by hand with the equalizer. S-meter and spectroscope have an extremely accurate dBm-scale and can be calibrated. This device derives its power from the USB connection. The antenna input is a female BNC. Made in Germany. 4.5 x 1.25 x 4 inches. This device requires a USB cable (not supplied).

Order # Photo Item Description Price Order
  Ergo TUNE WHEEL USB Tuning Wheel  INFO Discontinued

Copyright 2011-2024, Universal Radio, Inc.

#5789 11-17 D[784] 600/550 Q200/300 GE 07/17